Addenbrooke Classical Academy
Fostering a Culture of Free and Independent Thinkers through Tradition and Innovation
Addenbrooke Classical Academy is a tuition-free, public K–12 charter school located in Lakewood, Colorado. As an educational community, we are deeply committed to providing a quality education for our students and to upholding the responsibility that comes with teaching and learning.
Our Campus Locations

3940 S Teller Street,
Lakewood, CO 80235
(303) 989-1336

Mission Statement
ACA utilizes an integrated model of tradition and innovation to develop free and independent thinkers through classical instructional strategies.
A Snapshot of Addenbrooke Classical Academy
A Liberal Arts Education Using a Classical Framework
We practice the Trivium by incorporating teaching methods necessary for the grammar stage, the logic stage, and rhetoric stage, as well as the content traditionally found in each.
We offer and study arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy to gain an understanding of the integral nature of the universe.
Core Knowledge
The Core Knowledge scope and sequence, developed by E.D. Hirsch, is taught in grades kindergarten through eighth grade.
Charlotte Mason Principles
Using the Charlotte Mason methods of nature study, the study of habits, art and music, living books, narration and dictation, we seek to spark curiosity in students and inspire them to discover the pleasure of learning for its own sake.
Beginning in fifth grade, and intensifying in grades seven and eight, all students study Latin. Besides its modern use in the medical and scientific fields, this study is invaluable in learning grammar, parts of speech, vocabulary, and increasing the ability to write well.
The Good, True, and Beautiful
Everything we study at Addenbrooke Classical Academy, math, literature, music, history, the sciences, languages, and art rests on the foundation of discerning that which is good, true, and beautiful. We believe that ability to discern is what separates us from beasts and is worthy of lifelong study.